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How to Create a Good Communications Culture

A workplace with a good communications culture after participating in Learn2’s communications training

By all rights, a workplace is a community and culture. Much like any community, it thrives when communication is open between leaders and members. The more open and transparent communication is within any group, the more the group can work together as a team. Therefore, creating a good communications culture is critical to any organization. Below is a closer look at the benefits of good communications culture in business and the steps to take to get there. 

The Benefits of a Positive Communication Culture

The communication culture in a workplace impacts everything from team experience and motivation, to productivity and business success. In general, organizations with greater levels of communication have more satisfied teams and leaders. The benefits that come from good communications culture are clear in several regards. 

Engagement Enhances Team Satisfaction

Team members enjoy being in the know when it comes to what is going on within their workplace. Unfortunately, many employees feel like they miss out on important organizational news. Engaged team members feel more valued in their positions. They have a greater appreciation for the organization. Therefore, team satisfaction gets a boost when positive communication practices are in place. 

Communication Supports Organizational Productivity

Did you know 85 percent of team members feel most motivated when their leaders offer regular communication? Worker productivity may even be increased by as much as 25 percent when communication is effective. If productivity is lacking within your organization, there is a good chance that something is off when it comes to communication. 

Good Communications Culture Means Lower Turnover Rates

Have a hard time getting new hires to stay onboard after hiring? If so, lacking communication may be to blame, though can be improved through communication skills training. Companies that invest in creating a good communications culture tend to have lower turnover rates than those that do not. 

Good Communication Fosters a Sense of Respect and Integrity

Open and honest communication encourages team members and leaders to openly discuss concerns. In the end, this helps to thwart issues with conflict, but also fosters a sense of respect, trust, and loyalty in the workforce. Among team members, feeling respected tops the list when it comes to what matters most among team members. 

The Steps to Establishing a Good Communication Culture

When it comes to culture and communication in the workplace, the two are closely interconnected. An organization’s culture influences how communication is carried out. And, communication affects the overall company culture. To align culture and communication in a way that supports good communications culture: 

  • Adopt two-way communications policies, so all team members can share their voices 
  • Practice relevant communication tactics to prevent information overload 
  • Eliminate “grapevine” communication, so messages are always reliable and clear 
  • Involve leadership in communication efforts to more effectively keep everyone on the same page 
  • Balance corporate culture communication efforts by using a casual, human tone 
  • Encourage feedback from leaders and teams on every level 

Establish a Good Communication Culture with Learn2 

Learn2 offers programs focused on communications skills training to foster a good communications culture in your organization. These team building programs elevate how teams and leaders collaborate and engage by training them with engagement skills that make a difference. Ready to find out more about how Learn2 can help? Reach out to get a conversation started about what we have to offer. 

About Author

Doug Bolger is the world’s foremost instructional designer for participant-driven designs. He is changing how the world works, by changing how the world learns.