It is no coincidence that businesses that utilize enthusiastic practices and promotions generate more revenue than the companies that offer little to develop their employees. If you are looking for a way to boost your bottom line and make your workforce more productive, activities like a corporate team building scavenger hunt can be the key to getting your business back on track.
There are some team members that are better at giving and taking instructions than others. Being able to improve the quality and quantity of communication throughout your organization can be a major asset toward getting projects completed faster with fewer resources. A team building scavenger hunt works to facilitate communication by bringing every team member into the exercise and relying on every team member to get the job done. This can help boost the quality of communication throughout your organization, ranging from virtual 1:1s to face-to-face meetings.
There are some team members who prefer to act as lone wolves, doing their work with a minimum of interaction with other employees. Such employees can be a major sink of time and assets if they refuse to work with their co-workers. Using a scavenger hunt as an opportunity for team building within the workplace brings every team member into the fold in order to break down obstacles or cooperate in the search for the next item. In a scavenger hunt, employees work towards a common goal without breaking off to pursue their own agenda, allowing them to see the value of collaborating on a project back at the office.
The best team building in a workplace helps your team experience success at the same aspects of work – except in a fun and memorable way. In a scavenger hunt, employees work toward a common goal without breaking off to pursue their own agenda. Your teams who focus on the end result and collaborate together achieve more, faster. Allowing your workplace team to see the value of collaborating on projects back at the office and how changing our behaviors makes the team win.
Teamwork is more than a one-time act or a temporary solution. By engaging in team building activities like a scavenger hunt, your employees all work together and gain an appreciation for one another’s natural strengths. The end goal is that every employee should consider their co-workers to be the real-life equivalent of a true team-mate, just like athletes on a sports team, so that everyone is happy to be together.
Teams who achieve together feel belongingness, build capability and become more resilient. Everyone gets happier together by being together. Creating a true office culture in a business, instead of simply bringing individuals together, creates ties between employees that further mutual cooperation and teamwork. Sometimes these exercises can be enough to turn acquaintances into friends in order to get even more effort out of employees. Smart leaders take the new-found energy from the team building to create simple impact projects that help the team become more effective. The bottom line is that you create an environment that people want to come to work for and want to help succeed.
If you have found that your business is suffering from low morale or productivity, engaging in an activity such as a team building scavenger hunt or other group cohesion exercises with your employees may be the best option available for you.