
How do we develop and invest in the right team members?

There is mounting pressure to select talent in a way that is inclusive, encourages diversity, and allows the team members to self-select and illustrate they are ready for leadership development.   Many leaders are now aware of structural bias. where the process of how you select talent to invest in is biased by the leader’s perceptions. Talent immediately feels the structural bias, which affects motivation and retention.

What is Structural Bias?

Structural bias feels like a hidden agenda. Where the system is structured in a way that that pushes some leaders forward and some leaders back. Companies who pride themselves on innovation often pride themselves in inclusion. Innovation increases diversity of perspective which in turn creates diversity of thought and willingness to question approaches in uniquely valuable ways. Because of this, the smartest companies are starting to recognize the cost of structural bias.

The types of structural bias that most limit companies exist in hiring, onboarding, talent development, talent identification and the unconscious bias of having leaders fulfil these roles on their own people or part of a primarily qualitative assessment process.

Many of our clients (over 50%) are recognized as “best places to work” – so they are keenly interested in reducing structural bias in recruitment and hiring. A massive opportunity exists to unlock talent by democratizing development in a way that allows for quantitative measures of talent and talent readiness.

The Solution

The optimal solution is to base selection on a set of numbers - ones that are meaningful to your business, your leaders, and the development opportunity.

Using a numbers-based talent identification systems illustrates the impact a team member has on the business. Numbers shift the conversation from perception to results reality.

The benefits of a numbers-based talent development and identification system include: 

  • Building a meritocracy based on business results not someone’s size, gender, or some observable difference.
  • Reducing risk and dependence on leaders’ perceptions
  • A credible impact-based application process that is more defensible and inclusive.

Strong Companies Start with Strong Teams

All learning programs should include a challenge opportunity where the participant gets to illustrate the value they can create from the investment in their capabilities. This builds a culture of impact where rank doesn’t act as a barrier to providing daily impact on the business. Teams forged in participant-driven experiences thrive when having to make decisions under pressure.

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