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Communication Skills Training Blog

Team meeting together after a recent merger - Learn2


A company’s culture is the shared values, beliefs and behaviors that determine how people do things in an organization. A team’s culture, while aligned with the larger organization culture, can often look very different across the organization, and pocket cultures may...

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How to increase employee happiness

How to Increase Employee Happiness

As a business owner or organization, the more effort you sink into making sure you have a happy team, the more efficient and productive your workplace becomes. However, slight missteps in how team member morale is supported can generate larger problems. Here is a look at how to increase employee happiness with simple strategies that […]

A boss using annoying workplace phrases with employees

Annoying Workplace Phrases to Avoid

Ever felt annoyed by cliché, overly used corporate lingo and phrases? It turns out that a lot of individuals and team members are feeling the same. Good communication in a workplace means everything, but the key to good communication may mean letting go of unappealing business jargon. In a recent poll conducted by Slack, 63 […]

A leadership coach helping an employee

Mentoring Vs Leadership Coaching

Discussions around mentorship and leadership coaching often see these two terms being used interchangeably. However, while these two ways forward towards formidable models of leadership certainly have some overlap, there are also important distinctions that organizations can put to work.   Understanding how mentoring and leadership development overlap and differ can help empower your next professional […]

Coworkers after learning how to improve communication with employees

How to Improve Communication With Employees

Internal communication is one of the most important determining factors for company success and employee satisfaction. Ensuring that the way you communicate with team members aligns with their needs and, similarly, making sure they feel valued and heard will have far-reaching positive impacts on your brand, bottom line and employee retention.   At Learn2, we are […]

An organization with a culture of teamwork in the workplace

How To Build a Culture of Teamwork in the Workplace

A high-performing team could be deemed one of the most important components in the workplace. But more than simply feeling like part of the team, a culture of teamwork in the workplace often creates an environment of improved communication and employee satisfaction. Below is a look at how to build a culture of teamwork in […]

Learn how to build a next generation leadership team with Learn2

How to Build a Next Generation Leadership Team

Your next generation leadership team is seeking the personalized supports they need to become the leaders your organization is in demand of. These high-potential team members are eager to make a difference, and with the right leadership development plan, they will. What are Next Generation Leaders? Next generation leaders are the individuals, within your organization, […]

A leader presenting after developing assertive communications skills with Learn2

Developing Assertive Communication Skills

Effective communication is fundamental in procuring personal and professional success. People may shy away from being assertive because they do not want to be perceived as aggressive. However, developing assertive communication skills are imperative when hoping to prioritize clarity and dispel confusion. What is Assertive Communication? Assertive communication is a respectful form of engaging in […]

An organization learning change management and leadership development from Learn2

Change Management and Leadership Development

Change can be a very positive thing for organizations. However, it can also create a sense of unrest amongst team members – especially if change is not managed as well as it could be. Effective change management brings everyone along through the process in ways that honor their unique capacity for processing and handling evolution. […]

Coworkers communicating effectively after learning how to identify conditioned biases in the workplace from Learn2

Identifying Conditioned Biases to Improve Communication

Conditioned biases are unconscious beliefs that shape the ways we interact with the world around us. These types of biases, if left unchecked, can affect our workplaces and our ability to collaborate effectively with our team members. By addressing conditioned biases and dealing with them in ways that honor lived experiences and sensitivities, you can […]

An employee displaying a customer-centric culture in the workplace

How To Build A Customer-Centric Culture In The Workplace

Companies across the globe understand that putting the customers first is extremely important for businesses. However, truly building a customer-centric organization naturally fosters an operation where customers automatically come first, and all employees have a supportive mindset. Take a closer look at what it truly means to be customer-centric and learn how to build a […]

Team members building a workplace culture that attracts top candidates with Learn2

How to Develop a Workplace Culture that Attracts the Right Candidates

Workplace culture is not only an effective retention tool, but it also affects which types of people are eager to become part of your organization. Company culture refers to both the operational and qualitative values that define what and how things are done, within and beyond your company. When looking to hire the right people, […]

Why most leadership development programs don't work – Learn2

Why Most Leadership Development Programs Don’t Work

Leadership development is about building team members’ capacity to contribute their individual gifts and collaborative abilities towards organizational success. Formalized leadership development can benefit an organization in countless ways: it enhances effectiveness and efficiency; propels teams through times of transition and turmoil; and breeds innovation and the inclusion of underrepresented voices. Many professional development courses, […]

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