
How can we create a culture of leadership?

Culture eats strategy for breakfast and all experienced senior leaders agree. So why is there not a culture of leadership in every organization?  Risk mitigation rules much of the human mindset as we seek to avoid loss more than create gain. That means a culture of leadership would be willing to risk, change, and innovate. Transforming how an organization manages teams and leaders is required to for change to happen, and the traditional system and organizational structure often kill off most of those change agents.


Culture is simply the normalization of behaviors. Or a set of norms or ways of doing things. Most companies had amazing cultures with 6 even 60 people yet at 60,000 the culture becomes less intention and more based on history.

To create an intentional culture of leadership, development and talent identification systems need to focus more on providing opportunities to lead. Instead of learning about leadership, the aim becomes leading to a result through a set of behaviors that align with the intentional, ideal culture. Some smart best places to work now leverage participant-driven learning to encourage leaders to learn to lead by leading. This approach promotes the underlying behaviors that create the culture of leadership.

Strong Companies Start with Strong Teams

To create a culture of leadership, you need talent development solutions that focus on the application of insights, blind spots, and learning. This is where leader-level behaviours get practiced, coached, mentored, and celebrated.

Cultures within specific teams can transform within weeks and business units within months. Organizations discover the incredible power of human potential as they shift from Instructor-Led Training to Participant-Driven Learning where the leaders and teams produce results.

The key to creating a culture of leadership is to support leader development beyond training. Embrace impact projects, surveys of direct reports/peers, and application of the leadership competencies. The solution is often simple to implement; the leaders are already doing the work, only the feedback and coaching process is missing in most cases.

Learn2 Impact Coaching and Impact Assessments are powerful tools to build a leadership culture in an organization. Adding Career Conversations and Career Builder programs can amplify the impact across the organization – all while building a transparent talent readiness pipeline.

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