
Working with Learn2

At Learn2, we champion participant-driven leadership development for one reason: it works. Learn2’s programs begin to build teams by empowering the participants to discover the best leadership principles for themselves in cooperation with their peers.

That said, when you sign up for a Learn2 seminar, expect that you and your team will move through the following process:

What does a typical leadership development project look like?

1. Onboarding

1-2 Days 

– This is where we get to know you through knowledge & document sharing and our discovery questionnaire 

– You sign our Master Services Agreement and embark on the Learn2 journey. 

2. Client Kickoff

1-2 Weeks 
We’ll start with a 15-minute meeting to introduce our team and discuss with you what you feel is working within your organization and what you think needs to change.  
Then we will work with you to set specific business goals, establish timelines, identify participants and review the desired learning outcomes.

3. Participant Research

1-2 Weeks

This is where we spend time getting to know your participants through interviews, assessments of prior learning, survey results and more.

4. Your Participant-Driven Experience

1-2 Weeks

Time to get down to work. We facilitate your participant-driven leadership experience, and your team takes away valuable insights. Our facilitators identify obstacles and opportunities in your team dynamics and come up with personalized recommendations for your organization.

5. Insights Report

1-2 Days following your Experience

Drawing on participant insights and leadership workshop data, the insights report will outline specific learning recommendations, participant feedback, benchmark outcomes, and provide specific ideas for the next steps to take within your organization.

6. Results Report

1-2 Months Following Project Wrap-up

This report will outline the real impact of the leadership development or communication skills program; measured by specific business goals met. The report will go on to provide an attribution of impact and recommended next steps.

Why Work with Learn2?

Learn2 is an outcomes-oriented leadership development facilitator. We are not looking to sell you a once-off. We want to change the way you work.

We offer experiential learning in place of programs

As thought-leaders in the field for 30+ years, we know that there is no such thing as a canned solution to leadership challenges. Leaders work with people, and every person is unique. For that reason, leaders need to adapt and grow along with the people they work with and teach others how to do the same.

Our teaching and learning resources are interactive and promote team-building efforts among participants right from the outset. Moreover, our instructional guides will tailor the program to suit the specific needs of your company and team members to capitalize on genuine experiential learning.

We guarantee a return on your investment

Our confidence in the Learn2 process is backed by years of proven results from every type of organization. That is why we can guarantee results that are aligned with your specific business challenges and goals.  

Most other team building instructors rely on a combination of standardized curriculum materials and guesswork as to how these materials “apply” in a particular situation. We take the guesswork out of the equation by getting to know you and your team and, based on that knowledge, offer only those interactive activities we know will help.

We empower leaders to change the way they work

The Learn2 team will spend time getting to know who your participants are, what they care about, and how they prefer to communicate.  

Right from the outset of a project we empower and equip individuals to begin envisioning themselves as members of a body of persons who share a common aim. From there, we will take them through a series of interactive team-building exercises designed to foster a sense of shared purpose. The exercises are as formative as they are instructive. 

The outcome of the Learn2 process is a team of leaders who understand both themselves and those they work with better in light of mutually discovered leadership principles and a common aim. Ultimately, this amounts to a shift in the way your team members work. 

Learn2 Works

Here are but a few samples from a growing list of testimonials about the uniqueness and effectiveness of Learn2:

Valeria M.

Doug has enormous power and ability to teach in a very different way: in a way that you will not need to take notes. His learning sessions are filled with great energy and inspiration. If you are lucky to be in his training sessions, you will learn a lot. YES, AND your learning journey will be memorable. Doug can change your life, your business, or the whole world, with just one step/class at a time…

Valerie Carter

I’ve worked with Doug and his organization a number of times at both board and staff retreats, and believe his engaging “learn by doing” approach resonates with a variety of audiences. I’ve been highly impressed at how well he modulates his sessions to suit the audience. I would highly recommend him for sessions focused on emotional intelligence, culture change management and communications skills development.

John Backewich

It’s all about knowledge retention and with that I give Doug and his Learn2 organization perfect 10’s across the board. Passion, creativity and an insatiable thirst for learning drives Doug to succeed in all that he does. The business stakeholders at Athletes World continue to point to Doug and Learn2 as their conference choice for facilitating programs that provide tools and learning messages to drive their business.

Ready to change the way you work?

Contact our Client Success Manager to get a conversation started.

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