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Martin Stringel from Learn2

Martin Stringel

Business Development Partner, Learn2 Mexico


Martín Stringel is a consultant on the human side of business; He has been a passionate promotor of accelerated learning in Mexico an Latinamerica, and co-developer of the possibilities of ART as a catalyzer of human development. Co-founder of Learn2 Mexico, Martin is a passionate ambassador of Learn2’s expansion in Brazil, Costa Rica and Mexico. Having experienced an extraordinary path of life, he has liven in close contact with nature, antient ethnic groups, and a profound student of bio-energetics and human development in organizations. Martin is a Team coach that generates deep awareness and expands the potential of people in organizations, and has been working with multinational organizations and schools since 1997. His work is centered on helping individuals and organizations discover, appreciate and capitalize on the diversity of talent they possess, by creating rich working atmospheres that promote Motivation, Creativity, Connection and other components for permanent growth and improvement.

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Unleashing True Leadership Potential 

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Demystifying How to Measure the ROI of Leadership Development Programs 

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